District 1
We currently do not have any Defendant data for Beaver, Cimarron, Harper, or Texas Counties!
If you have a public complaint you would like submit please follow the link below.
Inquiry for Open Record Request was met with reluctance
Tried to transfer to court clerk
Eventually gave an email address
George "Buddy" Leach III (R)
Appointed in 2021 by Governor Stitt.
No candidate challenged him in 2022 meaning 0.0% of the approximate 15,522 registered voters in his district voted for him.
State of Oklahoma records show George H Leach held one job between 2016 and 2020. One of the most recent records in 2020 lists a job of First Assistant District Attorney and a pay of $133,188 and a pay frequency of monthly. This is 230.4% higher than the average pay for co-workers and 92.0% higher than the national average for government employees.
District 1 is NOT in Compliance
District Attorney, George Leach, is NOT in compliance with:
The nationwide, public-facing, Brady List;
Supreme Court of the united States [SCOTUS] Brady Doctrine (1963);
Open Government Act (2007) signed by President George Bush (No. 43);
Open Government Initiative (2009) signed by President Obama (No. 44); and,
Open Government Directives (2009) issued by the United States Department of Justice.
We emailed the request on Sept. 26th 2022
Response received back on 10/07/2022 - NO BRADY LIST OR EQUIVALENT KEPT!