Building a Network
Would you like to start Citizens Overseeing chapter in your area? We have many different models to fit the size and needs of your cause, whether you are an individual, a grassroot effort, or a large scale charitable organization. Our partnerships are individually tailored to fit the unique goals and needs of your organization.
Start a Local Chapter
Whether you are an individual with a passion to bring change to your community or an organization that would like to implement a new program to further your mission we can offer packages tailored to the size and scope that you desire.
Request a Consultation
Insight is a valuable asset and Citizens Overseeing can provide you or your organization with consultation on how you can expand what you may already be doing in order to further the movement towards justice reform.
Community and collaboration is a priority for Citizens Overseeing. Activating communities and engaging the public is key to achieving our mission. We welcome offers to collaborate and we invite those from all causes big or small. Let's find out what we can accomplish together!