District 17
District 17
We currently do not have any Defendant data for Choctaw, McCurtain, & Pushmataha Counties!
If you have a public complaint you would like to share, or information that you would like to share with Citizens Overseeing Police Oklahoma, please follow the links below.
Received email address with no objection
Mark Matloff
Mark Matloff
District 17 is NOT in Compliance
District 17 is NOT in Compliance
District Attorney, Mark Matloff, is NOT in compliance with:
District Attorney, Mark Matloff, is NOT in compliance with:
The nationwide, public-facing, Brady List;
Supreme Court of the united States [SCOTUS] Brady Doctrine (1963);
Open Government Act (2007) signed by President George Bush (No. 43);
Open Government Initiative (2009) signed by President Obama (No. 44); and,
Open Government Directives (2009) issued by the United States Department of Justice.
We emailed the request on Sept. 26th 2022
We emailed the request on Sept. 26th 2022