
Brady Disclosure


District 22

We currently do not have any Defendant data for Hughes, Pontotoc, & Seminole Counties!

If you have a public complaint you would like to share, or information that you would like to share with Citizens Overseeing Police Oklahoma, please follow the links below.

  • Professional and released email address


Paul Smith 2017-2022

District 22 is NOT in Compliance

District Attorney, Paul Smith, is NOT in compliance with:

"After thorough review of your request, the simple and direct answer to your inquiry, other than disclosed herein, is that the records you request are not kept or do not exist in the form or manner that you requested; or that the same are maintained within the litigation files of the Office of District Attorney." - Response to Open Records Request

We emailed the request on Sept. 26th 2022

A response was received The same day!

Here are the other "responsive documents" received from District 22

Office Policy Excerts-Open Record Request September 26, 2022 (1) (1).pdf
GIGLIOPRETRIALDISCLOSUREjacksonChildPornCaseMAY2022HughesCoJTCase (1) (1).pdf
PRETRIALDISCLOSUREAmendedJacksonIndecencyChildPornCaseSept2021RevisedHughesCoJTCase (1) (1).pdf
Samplemotion in limineGiglioDisclosure (1).pdf